Blog Posts

The Architecture of This Site
The current architecture / tech stack of at a high level and a description of tradeoffs.
11 min read

The Anthropic Dice Killer Simulation
Analysis on the "Anthropic Dice Killer" problem, plus a few twists. Features an in-browser simulator.
10 min read

What is Infrastructure as Code?
Unpacking the concept of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and detailing the pros and cons.
7 min read

The Talking Point Fallacy
Why the concept of dismissing something as a talking point is a mistake.
3 min read

Simple Survivor Selection Strategies in Evolutionary Computing
An investigation of survivor selection in the context of evolutionary algorithms.
4 min read

iOS Photo Album Creator
Build a native module for creating photo albums in your React Native app (iOS only).
5 min read

How to Recursively Render a Linked List
Render elements in SwiftUI recursively (instead of iteratively) using a linked list.
5 min read

How to Efficiently Reverse a Linked List in Go
A walkthrough of a LeetCode problem on how to reverse a common data structure.
2 min read

Thomson's Lamp Paradox
An analysis of a thought experiment using Python. Features an interactive demo.
3 min read

TypeScript 101
A guide for JavaScript developers who would like to be introduced to the fundamentals of the TypeScript programming language.
12 min read

The Unfair Coin Experiment & Conditional Probability
A close look at a counter-intuitive statistics problem and how to use Bayes' Theorem to solve it. With some Python sprinkled in at the end.
6 min read