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Patrick Spafford Software Engineer

TypeScript 101

May 25, 2022

12 min read


Blueberry muffins


Hello everyone and welcome to TypeScript 101! In this article, we are going to introduce you to TS, its background and its building blocks. Later, we’ll get into slightly more advanced features like generics and a couple of other tricks that you can use to more fully leverage the TS language. In the end, it will help you write even better code.

What is it?

So what is it? TypeScript is JS with syntax for types. Put another way, TypeScript is a strongly typed programming language that builds on JS, but specifically it’s a strict superset of JS. This means that, speaking only about syntax, valid JS is also valid TS. Its invention is attributed to Anders Hejlsberg, who was also the architect of C#, and it draws some inspiration from that language. It was made public by Microsoft in October of 2012 (so at the time of writing, we are approaching the 10 year anniversary).

The key difference between JS and TS is that while JS as a language is both dynamic and weakly-typed, TS is statically and strongly-typed. And that helps us write more robust software. So let’s try to give those terms “weakly vs strongly typed” and “statically vs dynamically typed” definitions so we know what the key difference really means.

  • A statically typed language does type-checking at compile time, or in this case, transpile time, since TS transpiles into JS.
  • A dynamically typed language, like JS, does type-checking at runtime. On a practical level, this just means that you can assign anything you want to a variable and it will work. So you can declare a variable called typescriptAnniversary and assign to it a value like 10. And then you can later assign to it a string like “why should i care about that?” and your code will work at runtime.
let typescriptAnniversary = 10
typescriptAnniversary = "why should i care about that?"

So what about the next part of it? Strongly vs weakly typed languages? TS advertises itself as a strongly typed language. While there is no universally agreed-upon definition for this category of “strongly typed”, it loosely means that it does not allow implicit conversions between types. To take an example outside of TS or JS, Python is also strongly typed and you can’t do something like this:

the_current_date = 'May ' + 18

You can try this in a Python playground yourself, if you like. But the reason this doesn’t work in Python (it’ll throw a TypeError) is because 18 is an integer and May is a string. Allowing concatenation here would require implicit conversion of either the string ‘May’ into a number (not advised) or conversion of 18 into a string. So because Python is strongly-typed, this is not allowed.

JavaScript on the other hand, is weakly-typed, so we can write the same expression and it will work.

const theCurrentDate = "May " + 18
console.log(theCurrentDate) // "May 18"

Seems like an advantage? Maybe. You could imagine a case, though, when you’re trying to automate your friendships and you have a script that automatically divides snacks between friends.

const blueberryMuffins = 6
const hungryFriends = "Alice, Bob"
const muffinsPerFriend = blueberryMuffins / hungryFriends // no type error
console.log(muffinsPerFriend) // Logs NaN

The fact that muffinsPerFriend is NaN means that we have a logical error on our hands.


So we know what TypeScript is, but what are its most basic building blocks? In my estimation, there are just 2: types and interfaces.


Let’s start with an abstract definition of a type. A type is a construct that defines a set of possible values, as well as a set of operations for an object. This is actually a paraphrase of Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++. So let’s move on from the abstract and jump to a few examples of types:

// Union
type Lightbulb = "LED" | "CFL" | "incandescent"
// Tuple
type CardboardBoxDimensions = [number, number, number]
// Alias
type Temperature = number
// Object
type Coordinate = {
  x: number
  y: number


An interface, on the other hand, is a contract for the shape of a value. An interface can describe anything from a class, to a function, to an object.

interface WeatherInterface {
  temperature: number
  windSpeed: number
  windDirection: string
  chanceOfRain: number
  isGoingToRain: () => boolean

class Weather implements WeatherInterface {
  temperature = 0
  windSpeed = 0
  windDirection = "N"
  chanceOfRain = 0

  // ...

  isGoingToRain = () => {
    return this.chanceOfRain >= 0.5
// Function with direct type annotations
const calculateCircumference = (radius: number): number => {
  // C = 2πr
  return 2 * Math.PI * radius

// Function with an interface
interface CalculateCircumference {
  (radius: number): number

const calculateCircumference: CalculateCircumference = (radius) => {
  // C = 2πr
  return 2 * Math.PI * radius
interface Presentation {
  duration?: number // same as "duration: number | undefined;"
  numberOfAttendees: number
  topic: string

const presentation: Presentation = {
  // duration is optional, so we can omit it
  numberOfAttendees: 10,
  topic: "TypeScript 101",
  hasBeenPublished: false, // TypeScript will warn us about this

But you can also use a type to define the shape of a value, with a slightly different syntax. So taking the Weather example again with the class…

type WeatherType = {
  // Only this line is different
  temperature: number
  windSpeed: number
  windDirection: string
  chanceOfRain: number
  isGoingToRain: () => boolean

You may have noticed that there is a lot of overlap between types and interfaces. However, types have to be used for unions (like we saw with the type for a lightbulb), and used for tuples, and aliases of primitives (for example the type Temperature = number). On the other hand, interfaces are the most common choice for defining the shape of objects, but don’t stress about which one to use. They are generally interchangeable, and you can quickly switch between them if one doesn’t work. One word of caution about interfaces: strangely, you can define multiple interfaces with the same name and they are automatically merged by TS using declaration merging.

interface Car {
  make: string
  model: string

interface Car {
  // redefined!
  color: string

const yourCar: Car = {
  // yourCar needs all properties
  make: "Jeep",
  model: "Grand Cherokee",
  color: "white",

Anyway, don’t let that dissuade you too much from using interfaces. Personally, I have never seen this cause any problems.

TypeScript Nuances

Alright, so we’ve established the building blocks of TS, but let’s get into its nuances so we can figure out how to write better, more robust code.

any vs unknown

When dealing with uncertainty, any and unknown are 2 of many abstract types that TS provides to you. You can use any to let a variable take any type (be it number, string, undefined, or a custom object type). When you annotate a variable as type any, what you’re doing is essentially opting out of typechecking. You’d usually do this as a last resort, or when it doesn’t make sense to worry about / debug some TS complaint that would take too long to figure out, or when you are migrating gradually from JS to TS (another great feature of TS, the ability to adopt incrementally). However, you can also use unknown, which is the typesafe counterpart of any. So let’s look at an example here.

let anyApiResponse: any = synchronousFetchFromApi("...")
let unknownApiResponse: unknown = synchronousFetchFromApi("...")

let arbitraryStr1: string = anyApiResponse // valid, but not safe
let arbitraryStr2: string = unknownApiResponse // NOT valid. Can't assign unknown to any other type

anyApiResponse.data // Again,no error, but that .data may not exist on anyApiResponse.
unknownApiResponse.data // Will warn you, yay!

So what are the takeaways here? unknown is useful on the left hand side and in interfaces when you don’t know the type of a variable and want to keep usage of that variable typesasfe. Using any, when excessive, will lead to more bugs at runtime, but it is still a necessary and sometimes helpful escape hatch.

Generics + Some Conditional Types

Generics are just types or interfaces that take parameters. Here’s an example:

const makePairFrom = <T>(item: T): T[] => {
  return [item, item]

type Lightbulb = "LED" | "CFL" | "incandescent"
type Coffee = {
  isIced: boolean
  calories: number
  oz: number

const yourLampBulb: Lightbulb = "incandescent"
const yourMorningCoffee: Coffee = {
  isIced: false,
  calories: 120,
  oz: 16,
const pairOfLampBulbs = makePairFrom<Lightbulb>(yourLampBulb)
// pairOfLampBulbs type is Lightbulb[]
const pairOfCoffees = makePairFrom<Coffee>(yourMorningCoffee)
// pairOfCoffees type is Coffee[]

Generics are useful when we want to call the same function on a variety of types. We don’t have to define the same function over and over again with different types, and we don’t have to bloat the function definition with a union of a bunch of different types such as (string | number | null). Generics can also help us avoid defining the same types over and over again. For instance, we could have this:

type Nullable<T> = T | undefined | null

And this generic type can save us from writing MyCustomType | undefined | null or string | undefined | null everywhere. Instead we can just write Nullable<MyCustomType> and Nullable<string>. Generics make your TS more flexible and less repetitive.

Utility Types

Now that we’ve covered generics, we can note that TS provides us with some common type transformations as generics. What does that mean, exactly? Well, take for example, Record<Keys, Type>.

const annualBulbCosts: Record<Lightbulb, number> = {
  LED: 0.75,
  CFL: 1.5,
  incandescent: 2,

Record allows us to say the key has to be a member of the Lightbulb union type and that the value in the (key, value) pair must be a number. Without this, someone unfamiliar with the codebase may try to access annualBulbCosts.halogen and TS will let them know. Similarly, if someone changed the value of incandescent to be the string "$2.50", TS would let them know, and this would prevent a NaN somewhere if we did some math with that cost.

There are many utility types to at least be aware of, so you can see the TS reference for an exhaustive list. Record is just a common one.

Narrowing, User-Defined Type Guards

TypeScript already performs type inference on your code, so you don’t need as many type annotations as you may think. Declaring a constant and assigning a number will automatically be inferred as a number unless you want to give it a different type. It’s smart enough to know that if you check if (typeof myVar === 'string') that myVar guaranteed to be a string inside that if block. But you can’t do that check with custom types (You can’t do typeof myVar === 'MyCustomType'!). But no worries. We can narrow the type of that parameter and be sure that what we do in that function is typesafe. Let’s look at an example from space:

interface CelestialBody {
  name: string
  solarSystemId: number
  radius: number

interface Planet extends CelestialBody {
  numberOfMoons: number

interface DwarfPlanet extends CelestialBody {
  mass: number

const SOL = 0 // our solar system id

const earth: Planet = {
  name: "Earth",
  solarSystemId: SOL,
  radius: 3958.8, // miles
  numberOfMoons: 1,

const pluto: DwarfPlanet = {
  name: "Pluto",
  solarSystemId: SOL,
  radius: 738,
  mass: 1.309e22,

const mars: CelestialBody = await getCelestialBody("mars")
// Let's say we need to do some math with the mass of the dwarf planet, if it is one
  `${mars.name} is a dwarf planet and it needs ${
    minPlanetMass - mars.mass // NOT SAFE
  } kg to clear the area around its orbit.`

How can we only do this when the celestial body is a dwarf planet? We can create a new function: a user-defined type guard.

const isDwarfPlanet = <T extends CelestialBody>(
  body: T
): body is DwarfPlanet => {
  return body?.mass !== undefined
const mars: CelestialBody = await getCelestialBody("mars")
if (isDwarfPlanet(mars)) {
    `${mars.name} is a dwarf planet and it needs ${
      minPlanetMass - mars.mass
    } kg to clear the area around its orbit.`
mars.mass /// TS won't let us do this without a warning now

So, awesome, we wrote a user-defined type guard to narrow the type of a variable. Mars is not a dwarf planet, so that message will not be logged to the console.

const assertions

TS already comes with type inference, as we have seen. However, sometimes if you declare a constant somewhere, it’s not clear how you’d want TS to interpret its type. For example:

const friends = ["Alice", "Bob"]

TS could infer this to be an array of strings and it would be valid. But what if we wanted to say, no, it’s not just an array of strings, its type is a tuple of just those 2 friends. One way to solve that would be to add this:

type Alice = "alice"
type Bob = "bob"
type FriendsTuple = [Alice, Bob]
const friends: FriendsTuple = ["Alice", "Bob"]

But there’s a more concise and more powerful way of doing it. We can use what’s called a const assertion to demand that TS infer the narrowest possible type from our statement. Here’s what that looks like. friends is a tuple of only those 2 friends and in that order.

const friends = ["Alice", "Bob"] as const

So we’ve told TS that friends is not an array. It’s a tuple of “Alice” and “Bob”. Now we can guarantee that another friend isn’t pushed to the end of the friends array without TS letting us know.


This has been TS 101 for JS developers. Let me know if you have any comments or notice any mistakes, and I hope you found this helpful.